Welcome to Barefoot Python Media.

My name is Samy El-Kamel, and I am passionate about bringing stories to life.

A story is the beating heart of any piece of content. It gives a photo or video life and immediately elevates its technical quality beyond something that simply looks visually pleasing for the sake of being as such. A story allows a photo or video to resonate with us on a much more personal level, giving us genuine feeling to connect with and therefore allowing us to appreciate the content in a much deeper way.

As a photographer, filmmaker, editor and award-winning screenwriter, I consistently prioritize storytelling above all else no matter what I’m creating. I’ve made commercials for local business owners, photographed headshots and graduations, filmed and photographed events, and much more — and if you choose to hire me for your photo and/or video needs, it is my guarantee that you will receive a standout final product imbued with a resonant voice that will tell your unique story to its audience.

Below, you’ll find some showcases of previous projects I’ve taken on. There’s also a ‘blog’ tab at the top of the page where I occasionally share some writeups of film-related topics, if you’re into that kind of thing. Thank you for checking out my website, and I hope you like what you see here. If you do, then reach out and let’s talk!

Cinematography Reel

My director’s reel, showcasing a portfolio of my filmmaking work over the years.


When fate extends a hand, what lengths will you go to in order to secure your idea of success — and at what point do you lose yourself in the process?

A short film that I wrote, directed, edited and starred in, alongside some good friends who also helped shoot the project.